Ultimate Love Guest One on One with Aunty – Day 3 [LIVE STREAM]

Ultimate Love Guest One on One with Aunty - Day 3 [LIVE STREAM]

Ultimate Love Guest One on One with Aunty – Day 3 [LIVE STREAM].

Arnold Conversation with Aunty

  • I spent my entire life in the Refugee camp.
  • I need a mother figure as a wife in my life.
  • I want to embrace advice from my wife, like my mother.
  • I missed advice from my dad, and he’s late now.
  • I’m the last born of my family, my mum and dad spent entire their entire life together, and I need a family that would last forever.
  • Speaking of his days in the house, he said the house has been stressful, and he’s still learning to know a lot of things about other Love Guest in the Love pad.

Chris Conversation with Aunty.

  • I studied environmental education, but the first job I got was affiliation with media, but I worked on brand developments, which turned me into a Brand Architect.
  • Christie Adana Chibuzor Cynthia Obiageli, but I prefer being called Chris.
  • My dad’s name was Christian, and he’s late, so I decided to change my name from Christie to Chris to keep my dad’s name going.
  • People don’t approach me, but I’m approachable, but I have lived in isolation after I was almost molested by an older man growing up.
  • I have been so private in my life
  • My mum never knew I’m never coming for a Love dating show, and she got to know when she was on the stage.
  • In my profession, it takes 8 seconds to make an impression, and I’m hoping to find love here.
  • I’m ready to fall in love irrespective of the Age Chris added in conversation with Aunty.

Kachi Conversation with Aunty

  • My mum always tells me I’m handsome, and I’m her favourite male child.
  • I never grew with my parents; I stayed with my Uncle because my cousin needed someone to stay close to her in then I was like a sacrificial lamb. Lol
  • I was brought up in a religious home, and I learned so much value about life from my Uncle.
  • I’m here to find that missing ribs in my life, not just to be a celebrity after the show.
  • I grew up and schooled in Abuja but later traveled out of Nigeria due to a contract job in UAE.
  • I never saw the ultimate show coming, it’s a surprise for me to be here and I’m grateful.
  • I learned Digital Marketing with web design in Dubai.
  • The house has been fun so far, and I’m learning.

Theresa Conversation with Aunty

  • My mum always wants me to have a relationship because she knows I don’t have a boyfriend.
  • I wanted to be a detective growing up, but I later studied Medicine, and I’m happy about that.
  • I saw the ultimate Love Naija show on Twitter and my Boss advice to come for the show.
  • Most of the guys I have meant are not serious and just wanted S£x.
  • The house has made me understand going back to the old ways of dating, and I’m enjoying every moment in the house.
  • Everyone in the house is smart and brilliant.
  • A lot of people in the house are very honest.

Obichukwu Conversation with Aunty

  • I met someone outside during the auditions, and I’m seeing a different side of the person coming into the house.
  • My dad was a pastor, and he’s late already. I learned a lot from my dad, though he wouldn’t be allowed me to come if he was alive.
  • Coming into the house was like a joke for me, and I’m here to find life.
  • I never believed I would be here, and I’m happy to be here.
  • Finding love is difficult for men than a woman because lots of women actually want money and disperse guys quickly.
  • My ex cheated on me because I never wanted to sleep with her, and she cheated on me with someone else.
  • I wanted to surprise my ex-girlfriend and caught her with someone having S£x with her.
  • I loved my ex-girlfriend and still wanted the relationship to work again, but it never happened.
  • I miss my mum, and if I’m opportune, I will call her to hear from her.
  • I can cook because I’m the first child of my parents.
  • I’m learning more about my fellow love guest in the house already.
READ:  Pictures of Louis Ultimate Love Season 1 Guest/Housemate (Photos)

Ebitienyi Conversation with Aunty

  • I love to cook and always wash after cooking to keep the kitchen clean.
  • My mum is half Scotland and Nigeria, my dad is adopted, and I grew up with my grandma.
  • I have dated men, and it’s always a heartbreak, so I stopped dating.
  • But now I’m ready for true love and settle down, I planned on getting my three kids before 30 and already 26 years old.
  • My Boss is very humble and believes in me, he always advises me on what to do.
  • I finished from Abia State Polytechnic, where I studied accounting since marriage is not coming I decided to go back for my PGD in UNIPORT.
  • I fell in love with a guy, and he was not ready for seriousness even I tried so much.
  • I needed to give life a chance, and that’s the reason why I’m here.
  • The two guys I have been paired within the house are after someone else in the house.
  • I love singing, and my favourite song now is “Bye Bye to Yeye Boyfriend by Zlatan.
  • I like my man being in charge of things; Kachi and Iyke focus on someone else in the house.

Louis Conversation with Aunty

  • I love white and black it’s my favourite colour.
  • I read industrial relations and public management, I never planned to but I later fell in love with the course.
  • I’m from Delta State, the delta Igbo side callled Onichugbo.
  • I was born in Kano state and stayed for 15 years, we were 5 children till I lost my elder brother I Dubai and we turned 4 in the house, which really affected me a lot.
  • My brother died when he was already doing better, it was terrible for me and my family.
  • Coming to love, I need true love in this trip I’m embarking on in the Reality Show.
  • Over a year now, I have not be dating anyone because relationship wasn’t working for me at some point.
  • Everyone in the house is great with lots to bring to the table.
  • I’m trying to make the best from the house by finding that ultimate love.
  • I’m very positive and knows what I want which I’m already seeing in the love pad.

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