Picture of Ebiteinye Ultimate Love Season 1 Guest/Housemate (Photos)

Ebiteinye Ultimate Love Biography, Age, Pictures, and Occupation.

Picture of Ebiteinye Ultimate Love Season 1 Guest/Housemate (Photos).

Here are some pictures of Ebiteinye one of the Ultimate Love Guest (housemate) for the first season of the reality TV show.

All about Ebiteinye

Ebiteinye is one of the contestants/Housemates who put in for the first season of the Ultimate love reality show. She is a 26-year-old accountant from who believes that love can be found anywhere in an instant. In her quest to find love, her beliefs aren’t clouded and she is ready to take the role of being a supportive partner.

Even though money makes the world go around for others, Ebiteinye is looking for more than that. She’s looking for attention and care.

Picture of Ebiteinye Ultimate Love Guest

Picture of Ebiteinye Ultimate Love Season 1 Guest/Housemate (Photos).
Picture of Ebiteinye Ultimate Love Season 1 Guest/Housemate (Photos).
Picture of Ebiteinye Ultimate Love Season 1 Guest/Housemate (Photos).

Read more about Ebiteinye Ultimate Love Housemates.

READ:  Jeriton Evicted From Ultimate Love 2020 in Week 4

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