www.p-yes.gov.ng – Requirements for P Yes Application 2019 | P Yes Application Form

p-yes.gov.ng – How to Apply for P-Yes 2018/2019 | P-Yes Application Portal

www.p-yes.gov.ng – Requirements for P Yes Application 2019 | P Yes Application Form.

The P-YES recruitment application process is very easy to carryout using the official P Yes portal for the scheme registration process. Read carefully and follow the appropriate link to the P-Yes website for easy filling of the P Yes online form.

We have been receiving series of search questions from potential and qualified applicants as follows:

“How can I get P-Yes form, what are the qualifications for P-Yes registration, when is the closing date for P Yes registration,  how to apply for P-Yes online,”

We have provided you with solutions on how to register for P-Yes program with the P-Yes Registration Form 2019 based on the popular questions asked by applicants.

So if you’re ready to learn the A-Z guide on the best ways to join the presidential youth empowerment scheme (P-YES), then sit sight and follow instructions.

Requirements for P Yes Application 2019

The general requirements on www.p-yes.gov.ng is what you’ll see right now. You’ll get to know all the things you’re required to have before proceeding to apply

  • Applicant must be a Nigerian male or female between the ages of 18 and 40.
  • Applicant must have a means of identification (National Identity card, International Passport or Permanent Voters Card- PVC).
  • Applicant on www.p-yes.gov.ng portal must provide a Second Level Beneficiary (SLB) to qualify for benefitting from the scheme.
  • Ability to communicate in Basic English language and or any local Nigerian language.
  • Provable upright character and a stable mind.
  • Applicant must provide a guarantor preferably a community or religious leader.
  • Ability to secure the endorsement of a local government official.
  • Beneficiary should posses the capacity to transfer knowledge and mentor pairs within their communities.
  • If you want to complete p yes registration 2018 Form, then you must complete a guarantor’s form. Applicant must be a Nigerian male or female between the ages of 18 and 40.
  • Applicant must have a means of identification (National Identity card, International Passport, Permanent Voters Card- PVC).
  • Applicant must provide a Second Level Beneficiary (SLB) to qualify for benefitting from the scheme.
  • Ability to communicate in Basic English language and or any local Nigerian language.
  • Provable upright character and a stable mind.
  • Applicant must provide a guarantor preferably a community or religious leader.
  • Ability to secure the endorsement of a local government official.
  • Before you can apply on www.p-yes.gov.ng for P Yes Registration 2018, then you should posses the capacity to transfer knowledge and mentor pairs within your communities.
  • Applicants Must Complete a guarantor’s form
READ:  p-yes.gov.ng – How to Apply for P-Yes 2018/2019 | P-Yes Application Portal

How to Register for P-Yes Program for 2018/2019

Interested and qualified persons who which to apply, are advised to fill and submit the official online form at www.p-yes.gov.ng, drop a comment for any difficulty in accessing the PYes application portal.

About P-YES (Presidential Youth Empowerment Scheme)

PYES aimed to create at least 774,000 empowerment opportunities through direct youth empowerment over a minimum period of two years.

The P-YES scheme covers the “Youth” defined in the Nigerian National youth policy (2009) as male and female individuals whose ages are between 18 and 40 years old.

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