Week 9 Nomination Result in Big Brother Naija 2020.
Nengi was safe from possible eviction in Week 9 as Head of House after the HoH game. Results for Nominations of Week 9 of Big Brother Naija 2020 are here as the remaining seven Housemates finish their first regular live nominations of the season.
The game was changed after Biggie shared the shared the house into two teams, Team White and Team Black.
Each team is to deliberate and nominate two members of opposing team in the week 9 eviction which will automatically put four (4) housemates up or possible eviction.
NOTE: Team Black has to nominate two persons between Laycon, Vee, and Trikytee. Team White will also nominate two persons between Neo, Ozo, and Dorathy.
Team Black
- Neo
- Ozo
- Dorathy
Team White
- Laycon
- Vee
- Trikytee
Nomination Result for Week 9 in BBNaija 2020
Below is how the housemates nominated the other during Tonight’s Live Nomination Show on Big Brother Naija [Week nine]:
- Team White – Nominated [Ozo and Dorathy]
- Team Black – Nominated [Trikytee and Laycon]

Housemate up for Eviction in Week nine
- Laycon
- Dorathy
- Trikytee
- Ozo
Now there are your awaited nominees of the week! Who are voting for? Drop your comment.
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