Week 6 Vote Result in BBMzansi 2024 Eviction

Week 6 Vote Result in BBMzansi 2024 Eviction

Week 6 Vote Result in BBMzansi 2024 Eviction.

Voting in Big Brother Mzansi week 6 is done and the voting Results/percentages are here; it was time for eviction of housemate(s) from the BBMzansi 2024 reality TV show season 4.

The Big Brother South Africa show is on the go, and we can see housemates with more strategies to win the grand prize in week 6; some Housemates who couldn’t pull votes from voters and fans will be sent packing from Biggie’s house before the finale.

Here is the vote results for week 6 in the Big Brother South Africa season 4. The voting result gives a specific insight at the housemate topping the chart for the week and the overall strong contender in the BBM reality show.

BBM Week 6 Voting Result 2024

BBMzansi S4 Vote Result 4 1

BBMzansi Voting Percentage for Week 6

  1. Mich – 5.28%
  2. Taki – 1.85%
  3. Chuenzaaa – 1.08%
  4. Meelay – 1.27%
  5. Chuenzaaa – Loading%

Names of Housemates Evicted in Week Six of BBM

WhatsApp Image 2024 03 04 at 05.14.24 97790937

Soon be published…

Housemates up for week 6 eviction had moments of rethink waiting for the call of evicted housemates by Lawrence Maleka in the Big Brother Mzansi 2024.

Stay connected for the latest eviction news in Big Brother Mzansi season 4.

READ:  Zino Vote Percentage in Week 4 BBMzansi 2022

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