Week 2 Vote Percentage for Juiovla BBTitans 2023.
Here is the voting percentage for Juiovla (Juicy Jay and Olivia) in week 2 of the Big Brother Titans 2023 reality TV show.
If you’ve voted during the week for Juiovla you need to stay connected on this website for the official release of the result.
Many fans are still searching to know Juiovla’s voting result in BBTitans 2023 TV show.
All 5 housemates were having a moment of rethink and quietness waiting for the announcement of evicted housemates in the BBTitans 2023 show by Lawrence.
Voting Result for Week 2 in Big Brother Titans 2023
- Juiovla –Reserved %
Searches about Juiovla’s Voting Result in Week 2 in BBT 2023
- Juiovla Voting Percentage this week
- Juiovla Voting Result in week 2
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- Juiovla Vote Result Today
- Juiovla Vote Percentage
Juiovla (Juicy Jay and Olivia) came with Reserved% in Week two
As the show becomes tougher with more strategies from housemates this week, some of the Housemates who couldn’t pull votes from viewers and fans of the show will be sent from the Big Brother Titans 2023 house.
Stay on this site and get all daily Big Brother Titans latest news as we are committed to bringing you all the latest news of housemates as we unfold all about the 2023 Big Brother Titans.
Juiovla would still need more votes every other week to win the BBTitans 2023 show.