Ultimate Love Aunty’s Latest Twist in Week 3

Ultimate Love Couple in Love Pad 2020 | Ultimate Love Pairing

Ultimate Love Aunty’s Latest Twist in Week 3.

Week three (3) in the Ultimate Love reality show has been intensed as five love couples are up for possible check out from the reality come this Sunday.

Aunty gives the Love Guests a mystery prize with a sweet twist to spice things up in the Love Pad!

Thought Aunty was done with tantalising twists in the show? Well then think again! This Friday she threw in yet another curveball to catch our Love Guests off-guard and keep them on their toes!

As Nigerian tradition goes, it is common place for a bride to be gifted a portmanteau filled with various gifts on her wedding day. So to add a little spice to the Love Pad, Aunty provided the Love Guests with 11 portmanteaus for each couple to take home when checking out of the Love Pad. The items contained in the portmanteau may be shared by the couple.

The portmanteaus were filled with various gift items including cash prizes and the value of cash in each portmanteau differs from the rest with some having as much as three times the value of others!

The twist however is couples are not permitted to open or even peek inside their portmanteaus so after randomly selecting theirs, the Love Couples will only discover the contents and value once they Check Out.

Plus going forward, every week on Wednesday’s the Love Couples will play a couple’s game that will have two winners and both winners will have to swap their portmanteaus by changing the name tags on them.

READ:  How to Vote on Ultimate Love Reality Show 2020

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