Week 6 Head of House in BBMzansi 2022 won by Tulz

Week 6 Head of House in BBMzansi 2022 won by Tulz

Week 6 Head of House in BBMzansi 2022 won by Tulz.

Here is the result for the Big Brother Mzansi head of house for week 6 in the reality TV show in South Africa.

For a prize of gaining immunity from the week’s possible eviction, exclusive access to the Head of House Lounge for the week, but the liberty to pick one Housemate as Deputy with whom they will share the Head of House lounge was in play, the Housemates had their game faces on as usual in the week 6 of the Head of House game.

The Big Brother Mzansi Week 6 started with the housemates competing for the head of house (HOH) position. Anyone who wins the Head of House task will have the privilege to occupy the Big Brother lounge for the coming week and have a place in the reality TV show till coming week without worry for eviction. The head of house winner will also be immune from nomination this week.

Tulz has got a place till next week for winning the Head of House challenge in the reality TV show for week six.

A Lucky HoH and a luckier Deputy to share HoH Lounge with!

Tulz emerged as the week 6 Head of House in Season 3 after a clear win. After announcing the housemate’s win, Biggie gave the HoH the opportunity to select a Deputy HoH (DHoH). Luck shone on Libo as he was chosen for this post to share the head of house luxury house.

“Tulz and Libo, you now have exclusive access to the HoH lounge,” Biggie said.

READ:  Today Voting Result in Big Brother Mzansi (Week Three)

Also, after the Week 6 Head of House in BBMzansi 2022 won by Tulz, Tulz and Libo are the only housemate free from possible eviction in Week six of the reality TV show.

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